O parte din statusurile in engleza ce imi plac foarte mult ..sper sa va placa si voua!
- It's nice when 2 strangers become best friends, but it's sad when 2 best friends acts like strangers..
- Always welcome a new day with a smile on your heart and good thoughts in your mind, accepted the truth,stop pretending, you"ll always have a wonderful day!!!

- People usually change for two reasons - it's either they've learnt a lot that they want to change OR they've been hurt a lot that they need to change
- Missing someone is hard, but having them standing next to you and not being able to find the words to tell them how much you've missed them is torture.
- Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life!
- I'm on a silent mode today. Doesn't mean I agree with everything you're saying, just don't wanna fight!
- Let me give you some advice-- if you are gonna lie about something at least make sure it's worth lying about
- Sometimes, some things are better not to know...
- I never lied... i just protected my feelings..
- "Maybe tomorrow, when you are done with your anger and I am done with mine, we can smile at each other and remember just how much we mean to each other."
- I'm Not Perfect but my best friends always makes me feel perfect (:
- It's hard to watch people change right in front of you without being able to do anything about it , but the worst part is remembering who they used to be ..
- Realize that life isn't always fair. Accept what you must, and change what you can.
- Sometimes, you find it hard to tell someone about your feelings. What you don't notice is that you're already acting it
- No words can express truly what the heart feels when you lose what is the most dearest to you...
- the best way to stay close to someone is by being just friends.. nothing MORE nothing LESS.
- If you don't do anything stupid when you're young, you won't remember something funny when you're old.
- Saying you're sorry doesn't mean a thing when you don't change your actions. If you say it, mean it, and show it by changing your behaviour.
- Am I too kind or too blind or too stupid?
- If your heart still hurts, it means you still care.
- sometimes no matter how hard you try to be enough for someone, if that someone don't feel contented having you, you're still WORTHLESS. :(
- The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up..
- Sometimes we feel all doors are closed in our life.. But, all closed doors may not be locked,,They may be waiting for our knock to open :)
- When you really LOVE someone: age, distance, height, weight, is just a damn NUMBER
- i just badly need someone to make me smile right now.
- It sucks when you're ignored by the person whose attention is the only thing you want in the world
- Love is a strange thing. It can make the weakest person strong, and the strongest person weak.
- Tear is the silent language of LOVE " When the tears come WITH reason u got some problem, But when tears come WITHOUT any reason - U really missing someone...
- if i cud only control time, I'd go back to the moment were we first met. Not to change anything but to experience it all over again. .
- So near, yet so far; so close, yet so unreachable; so real, yet so impossible; so right, yet so confusing... You are So in me..but Yet not Mine !
- You are so FAKE. Are you sure you aren't MADE in CHINA ?
- The truth is something that almost nobody wants to hear, but everyone wants to know
- Some people come into your life as a blessing, while others come into your life as a lesson.
- It's better to feel sorry for the things you've done than to feel sorry for the things you've never done..
- There is a moment in your life, when you miss someone so badly, you just want to hug them so tight and make them realize how much they mean to you!
- If you want something you never had, do something you never did. <3
- If you can survive death, you can probably survive anything.
- I hate it when someone mentions the name of the person I no longer wish to remember.
- Love is weak & pathetic. It makes you drop the guard around your heart, open to hurt & pain. Don't give in to it!!
- a true friend..never judges, never lies...and takes your secrets to the grave...
- every time I start to ignore and act as if I don't care, there you go again showing up and messing up my mind.
- My weakness is that I care too much! Sometimes I just wish I didn't care at all. :-\
- When u truly care for someone,their mistakes never changes our feelings because it is the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares...
- Why is it easier to forgive but not forget?!
- gets tired of being nice all the time, giving nice things, being a strong person, being too generous. Will it be worth it in the end??
- Little moments in life are what make it precious <3
- You know what causes hurt? when somebody LIES? nope! it's when you BELIEVED and you get disappointment in return...
- In life, love is never planned. It does not happen for a reason. But when love is real, it becomes your plan for life and your reason for living.
- I've tried to reach you but you are getting further away from me. Seems like I am no longer in your need. I'll take my step and walk away forever.
- you can't go back and make a new beginning but you can start over and make a new ending.
- loving someone when your with someone else is like eating paper when there's chocolate in front of you... stupid
- sometimes you gotta let go even if it means getting hurt
- is tired of making people a priority in my life who only want to make me an option
- I just realized. The people who laugh/smile the most. Are the ones in the most pain. laughing/smiling isn't just the best medicine, its the best disguise.
- Every woman deserves to be someones everything all the time, NEVER settle for being someones something every once in awhile. ~DMH~
- Never regret in whatever you do. If it turns out good, it's wonderful. If it turns out bad, it's experience
- Its crazy when you can be having an amazing day until one moment, one second, one word, can turn it all upside down!
- she says she's fine, but she's going insane. she says she feels good, but she's in a lot of pain. she says it's nothing, but really it's a lot.
- Is having one of those days where she wants to lock herself in a room and crank up the radio so no one can hear her screaming.
- One question... Does it make you happy to make me feel so much pain?
- if people knew the pain i was going through inside they would understand why i do the things i do :(
- I'm not strong, I've just learned to accept the things life gives and stop wishing for the things i cannot have, that's not strength that's wisdom!
- If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything... I have nothing to say
- Appreciate my complaining. It's when I'm silent you should worry. That means i don't care anymore.
- My silence is just another word for my pain.
- my silence spoke a thousand words...but u never heard them
- Yes words can hurt. But silence cuts like a knife too
- When a woman is silent, it means her heart is too tired for words
- I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken.
- Silence is a powerful language that can speak loud volumes, but it is amazing how many people don't take the time to listen or understand.
- sometimes silence conveys emotions far better than actual words...
- If you don't understand my silence how could you ever understand my words?
- Silence doesn't mean you don't care..it means letting things happen without interference.
- Sometimes silence cuts deeper than a knife
- you ignore the words I say to you, and then wonder why there is nothing but silence. Maybe in the silence you will finally realize I meant exactly what I said.
- Silence is a girl's loudest cry. If she is speechless, her heart is too tired for words.
- The saddest is not when love turns into hate, but when it turns into indifference
- Love me or Hate me, I don't care. I don't need your permission to be who I am!
- I don't care about those people who don't deserve to be in my life. Judge me all you want. Say what you wanna say. But you don't deserve my attention.
- Sometimes you do the wrong things for the right reason and the right things for the wrong reason.
- Don't hate me until I give you a reason to...Don't judge me until you know the whole story...
- don't trust people whose feelings change with time.trust people whose feelings remain the same, even when time changes.
- Sometimes it's just easier pretending to be happy than making people understand why you're feeling sad.
- it's sweet when someone knows every single detail about you. Not because you constantly remind them, but because they pay attention
- if dream is the only way to be with u ..i wish i cud sleep and never wake up :)
- Just when I think I'm OK and I can smile a real smile, Something or someone comes and kicks me right back down and makes me hate my life more then I did before.
- The best love is the one you fell in accidentally.The strongest love is the one you fell in unexpectedly.The truest love is the one you fell in wholeheartedly
- I wish that my absence is felt and my existence makes a difference.
- You were my secret smile... now you`re my obvious tear...
- Never assure urself that sorry is enough to make someone come back to you.Because when pain strikes the heart,relationships fades away no matter,How great it wa
- The words you speak today could be the words you eat tomorrow. You better make them sweet!
- If you don't know me, get to know me! Don't know something about me, ask me! But don't judge me from other people, cause I may just surprise you!!
- i was afraid to lose you ,but then i realize , I'd never had you !
- Sometimes we have to be away from the people we love, but that doesn't make us love them any less, sometimes it makes us love them even more.
- All good things must come to an end... For another good thing to start!
- Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret
- No matter what a person says or doesn't say, their eyes can never lie.
- Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had.
- Don't be upset if they preferred someone else. It's difficult to convince a monkey that strawberries are sweeter than bananas.
- it's better to have a heart without words than words without a heart..
- I don't know what to say , but all i want you to know is that I'm always here for you .
- If it's in your mind, it's in your heart...
- I do what I like. You don't have to like what I do
- Never regret anything you've done if at the time, you enjoyed doing it!! Life is short so live it your way !!!
- I like pictures because they never change... they even bring back the memories of people who have changed
- People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.
- Great things come when u least expect them..
- "It is better to do something and regret it than to do nothing and regret NOT doing it"
- live your life.. be who u are.. never regret what happened in your past.. learn to accept it n you'll get more than what u expect from it ...
- The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling.
- Never say never and start the challenge with life.
- There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book
- i don't know where i stand with u &i don't know what i mean to u all i know is everything i think of u ALL I WANNA DO IS TO BE WITH YOU
- Dear Sun, we know you are Hot, please stop showing.
- thinks some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts, while others come into our lives and make us wanna leave footprints on their face.
- crying doesn't mean you are weak, it means you have been strong for to long... and its okay not to be okay...
- SILENCE and SMILE are two powerful tools. SMILE is the way to solve many problems and SILENCE is the way to avoid many problems.. Choice is YOURS to make !
- i don't believe that true love means letting go, because true love means loving more than enough, that you would never even think of leaving at all.
- Sometimes no words can describe how someone makes you feel..
- Sometimes you have to forgive someone just because you want them in your life
- Never stop fighting for what you want in life because the reward is at the end of your the journey.
- They say if love becomes painful,Its time to let go and save your self... but keep in mind If love is true, Pain is never a reason to let go...
- There are always a beginning before the end!
- Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Be afraid of not learning from them.
- True love is wen u still love someone even tho u hate their faults
- avoiding something doesn't always means that you hate it.. It could also mean that you want it, but you know that it isn't right..
- How am I sure I love you? Easy, I can't stop thinking about you, I can't breathe when you are near and I read our old chats and smile. That's how I know I <3 U!
- Everything happens for a reason. So don't be surprised when I punch you in the face... remember, I HAD A REASON!!
- I told you what hurts me the most.. and you did it perfectly !
- she can hold your hand like i do , she can kiss you like i do , she can hug you like i do , but she will never never love you like i do !
- you were given this life because you're strong enough to live it, so never have any regrets because at some point everything you did was exactly what you wanted
- Never leave a true relation when u see some faults. Be patient and realize that nobody is perfect.. It's affection that matters, not perfection
- Is tired, stressed, exhausted & in need of a hug, a holiday & a very large vodka & tonic.
- Sometimes u gotta run to see who runs after u. Sometimes u gotta talk quieter to see who's listening. Sometimes u make a mistake to see who will help u fix it.
- Have you ever noticed when people say "you've changed" it's just because you've stopped living life their way. Perfection is different in every one's eyes.
- To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without reason, And to care without expectation... this is the heart of a true friend.
- It is Not what You Say that Matters But the Manner In which You Say it.
- " Better to be the Master of your silence, than the slave of your words"
- Sometimes, you really just don't know what to say. Because, what you really want to say; is something that you just cannot say.
- Being respected is more important than being beautiful
- We don't need to explain how much we love a person. It depends on them how they appreciate the efforts that you did for them to be contented.
- When your absence doesn't alter someones life, then accept the reality that your presence has no meanings in their life...
- No matter how beautiful your dreams are, you always have to wake up
- If people make you understand that you're not important to them anymore,get out of their life before they tell you to,,you'll feel less ridiculous!!
- Do you know what happens when you hurt people ?they begin to love you less..and the worst is, they may begin to forget that they loved you once! :c
- I DON'T want to DREAM... I want to LIVE my DREAMS!!!
- Never take too much care on someone , because you won't be able to stand the pain when they start avoiding you !
- Learn to let go of the things that hurt you, cause if its really meant for you, you shouldn't be hurting in the first place.
:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X :>