joi, 20 ianuarie 2011

Daca nu stii sa injuri in engleza poti sa inveti .............

Ce puii mei? - What my chickens? 
Du-te-n pisicii matii - Go into your mother'cats 
Ce pusca mea? - What my gun? 
Pana mea - My feather 
Ce basca mea? - What my hat? 
Ciapa matii - your mather'onions 
E cu capu! - He is with his head 
Da-te'n sange - Go into blood 
Nu ma freca la icre - Don't rub my fish eggs 
Ce faci ma? Uite frec menta - Rubbing the mint 
Ma doare la basca/cot/cur - My hat hurts, my elbow hurts, my butt hurts 
Sa moara pestii mei - So my fishes shall die 
Plimba ursul - go walk the bear 
Ma doare-n paispe - It hurts in my fourteen

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